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I offer packages for businesses of all sizes and budgets. If you need a custom plan, request a custom quote and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Landing Page

$ 2,499+
Book a 15-min call

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  • 5 Unique Pages
  • Lead Capture & Contact Form
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Basic SEO & Hosting
  • 50/50 Payment Plan
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions
  • 10-14 Day Turnaround
  • 30 Days Post-Launch Support

Enhanced Site & Support

$ 3,499+
Book a 15-min call

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  • Everything in Landing Page
  • 3 Additional Pages
  • Ongoing SEO & Performance Optimization
  • Security & Maintenance
  • Content Updates (2/month)
  • Priority Support for 3 Months
  • Advanced Analytics & CMS Setup
  • Blog Setup (Optional)
  • 3-Month Post-Launch Support

SaaS MVP Launch Kit

$ 7,499+
Book a 15-min call

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  • Core SaaS MVP Features (Auth, Dashboards, Key Functions)
  • Customizable Features (1 Request at a Time)
  • Scalable Architecture
  • Feedback Integration
  • Reliable Deployment & Ongoing Maintenance
  • Comprehensive Documentation
  • Client Training & Support
  • Performance Monitoring & Optimization
  • 3-Month Post-Launch Support